No 65. in my series of short stories

The Indian Pacific train embarked on its inaugural trans continental journey on 23 February 1970 and arrived a few days later in Perth. I was on the second trip it made across from Sydney to Perth travelling while capturing the essence of the landscape through drawings and diary entries was a memorable experience. The vast barren beauty of the desert, punctuated by intriguing sights like this old abandoned and broken rusted truck which was one of many. The truck itself lends to contemplation and reflection on the stories of those who once traversed these same paths. Exploring the rich tapestry of Australia's outback aboard a historic train like the Indian Pacific has every time been a truly immersive and unforgettable adventure for me.
Many years later (around) 2020 one of my trips across the Nullabor Plain on the Indian Pacific was with my youngest grand daughter Anna. The memories of having prospected for gold in so many outback towns in Western Australia, it gave me goose bumps as the train rolled past the small sidings and then onto Kalgoorlie. Towns I had visited so many times, cattle stations that my family had pioneered in the area and always having wished the train would go up north from Kalgoorlie and I believe it did around 100 years ago though only as far North as Leonora and or Gwalia.
Moving on from that I noticed that most people on the train trip were more interested in playing cards, socialising eating and drinking lots of alcohol with groups of people that they have met on the journey. I had become a little isolated from the people due to my drawing, photography and not drinking alcohol. The train stopped at a small siding for a dinner that was set up on one of the old train platforms along the way and in my site were wine glasses in different shapes for different types of wine and cans of beer. It's ok to promote the Australian wineries but what happens if you are a non drinker and or have a child with you as I did on that particular journey. It was ok they supplied a small choice of cool drinks and water.
Watching people get sloshed, it is not a good look, these are people not interested in the history of our country or the wonderful view out the windows. Apparently not!
So I will make my own history with my outback escapades and most of all MY ART.
Waiting for your book to come out one day, your stories are a priceless part of Australian history